About Us

Our Experience with Labeling Systems

Our experience with the labeling machine industry proved to have humble beginnings. Nearly 25 years ago, the owner of LabelOn™ started his career as a young engineer working in the packaging industry as a machine service technician for a then small labeling machine manufacturer in Australia.

Demonstrating leadership capabilities and skills throughout his 11 years career with that company, he accomplished the following:

Management and Sales activities on one of the company’s divisions; promoted to State Manager for Machine Sales; promoted to Export Manager where he established Machine Sales Agencies throughout Asia and some parts of South America; assisted in the establishment of the US office for that company.

Among his many successful engineering achievements in the company was the introduction of Digital Timing and Speed Synchronising Concepts, Design of the First Digital Timing Circuits for the company’s Labeling Machines, Introduction of the Modular Machine Design, Production and Pricing. Implementing Remote Service Records and Techniques. His technological innovation generated recognition for the company he worked for and contributed to the extensive growth of the pressure sensitive labelers in old and new markets worldwide.

By the time they had to part ways, that company had grown from 12 to 120 people and has become one of Australia’s major producers and exporter of self-adhesive label applicators.

Establishing his own packaging company, the owner of LabelOn™ pursued other packaging endeavors not wanting to compete or use sales contacts of his previous employer, after some eight years separation, he approached the former director of the labeling machine company advising that he could produce his own range of labeling equipment and continue the innovation on label applicators. This took place and the LabelOn™ range of labeling systems was developed and continues to develop at an exciting pace.

This extensive background has been our foundation in providing customers with expert advice on sustained and dependable labeling machine solutions. We understand every aspect of self adhesive labeling machines. Our goal is to deliver excellent customer service while providing the most cost-effective labeling system. By providing our customers with solutions that result in lower operation costs and attain higher productivity we have achieved an enviable reputation in the industry.

Our Modular Labeling Machine Designs

Our Modular Labeling Machine Designs has since evolved to become more refined to maximize efficiency and ensure suitability for your application integrating the most advanced technology available in the industry today. Read More